SEO Statistics: What Do Marketers Learn From Them?

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SEO Statistics: What Do Marketers Learn From Them?

No wonder marketers usually face tough time keeping up with all the latest updates of the SEO. This marketing tool continues to keep changing. But it seems that the only constant factor is the value of buyer persona that never fails to find you through organic search.

Marketing involves several tools. Even if we speak of Google algorithm, it updates multiple times in a year. It becomes overwhelming to recognize, understand and keep up with these changes. It becomes difficult to set priority or to decide where to put your focus on.

Indeed, Google is the only solution to obtain the massive level of traffic and potential leads while SEO acts as a gatekeeper. Speaking of which, SEO has always been popular for its intriguing and fluctuating statistics.

To assist you further, here are the top SEO statistics for the year 2018 that help marketers to design a successful marketing strategy.

Stat #1 – Google’s 50% Of Queries are Four Words Long

When we speak of keyword optimization and research, not every user is searching for a simple term. In fact, their search queries are mostly very specific, as we call them ‘long-tail keywords’. This means that marketers need to adjust the content to reflect the intent.

There is a difference in implementing an SEO strategy and understanding how to do it better. Marketers must ensure constant review of latest searches to know what makes them different.

Stat #2 – Ranking

Back in 2017, the famous search engine, Google accounted for more than 79% of entire global desktop search traffic. After that Bing, Baidu, and Yahoo were reported with 7.27%, 6.55%, and 5.06% ranking stats.

Well, it is good to rank higher on Bing or Yahoo, any business that takes the top five spot on Google search engine is more likely to increase business profits. But to win at SEO, marketers must play by Google’s rule.

When marketers use Google Search Console it helps to ascertain the user behavior such as how people are coming to your site simply through Google Searches. Eventually, it helps to improve the content and make it more interesting.

Stat #3 – Google Searches on Mobile Devices

As per the stats, most of the Google searches now take place on portable devices than conventional computers all over the world.

So the biggest takeaway is that the world has become mobile-friendly and consistently growing at a much faster pace. Thus, it is very important for marketers to make their sites mobile-friendly if they really want to compete in the aggressive business industry. Also, make sure that your website is highly responsive to increasing device sizes while avoiding one fixed size.

Stat #4 – SEO Has Become Highly Effective

Marketers observe that SEO has now become highly effective. Around 82% report that its effectiveness is rising and 42% state that the SEO effectiveness is significantly increasing. Thus, no surprise those marketers are now getting better at SEO. It has become one of the most fundamental factors in today’s digital marketing strategy and used as a tool to outplay competitors.


If your marketing team is looking for an SEO expert, head over to KC Web Designs right away!

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